Course Description

First Aid for Prolapse for Elders

Pelvic organ prolapse can occur at any age. Contrary to popular belief, there is no surgical cure for prolapse. Operations for prolapse and incontinence are fraught with risk and failure, and often set women up for far more severe problems, including further prolapse.

But there is hope. Prolapse can be successfully managed for a lifetime. Unlike standard forms of yoga and physical therapy, the Whole Woman program of posture and movement restores natural female spinal curvature, and in turn re-establishes the innate pelvic organ support system.  Even post-hysterectomy women have found benefit, although the results are less predictable after hysterectomy.

In this video, Christine Kent, author of Saving the Whole Woman and the First Aid for Prolapse DVD, shares her experience in working with older, less able women, who need a slower, gentler program of prolapse stabilization. In reality, this video has more to do with one's flexibility and balancing ability than age. If you can stand on one foot and get up and off the floor without help, then you will probably benefit more from the original First Aid for Prolapse or one of our Yoga DVDs. This video is a modified program designed for a women with considerable mobility issues.

In the circle of life, it is up to each of us to sustain our grace, flexibility and strength, even when our physical capabilities are reduced with age or other limiting factors. First Aid for Prolapse for Elders offers hope for women of limited mobility who choose to remain whole and strong.

With Jean O'Neile, mother, grandmother, greatgrandmother and Whole Woman.

Founder, Whole Woman

Christine Kent

Having suffered a profound uterine prolapse in the early 1990s as a result of bladder suspension surgery, Christine refused the recommended hysterectomy and spent more than a decade researching her condition in the medical literature and experimenting with dance, alignment, body work, and posture. Finally, she brought her own prolapse under control and began teaching other women how to control theirs. Author of Saving the Whole Woman, still the definitive book on the subject of non-surgical intervention for pelvic organ prolapse, Christine has also produced, written, directed, and narrated over a dozen videos and video courses to help women help themselves. Her work has kept thousands of women out of the operating room in over sixty countries.

Course curriculum

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    First Aid for Prolapse for Elders

    • First Aid for Prolapse for Elders Video