Course Description

These three videos are designed for the woman who is already familiar with the Whole Woman concepts of posture and breathing.

  • Fine Tune Your Whole Woman Posture will help you understand the crucial the posture is and how best to implement it, from first awakening until retiring for the night.
  • Pelvic Health Through Whole Woman Wisdom Breathing will take you more in-depth of how women become chest breathers and fail to use their natural and full breathing capacity. This video will help you exercise your proper breathing process.
  • Whole Woman Walking and Running is important because many women with prolapse are concerned about walking and many can't even conceive of running with prolapse. But both are excellent exercise once you know the correct way to do it.

The Blossom with Whole Woman video series will help you dive deeper into the Whole Woman work and enhance your conviction that you are in charge of your body, it is not in charge of you.

Founder, Whole Woman

Christine Kent

Having suffered a profound uterine prolapse in the early 1990s as a result of bladder suspension surgery, Christine refused the recommended hysterectomy and spent more than a decade researching her condition in the medical literature and experimenting with dance, alignment, body work, and posture. Finally, she brought her own prolapse under control and began teaching other women how to control theirs. Author of Saving the Whole Woman, still the definitive book on the subject of non-surgical intervention for pelvic organ prolapse, Christine has also produced, written, directed, and narrated over a dozen videos and video courses to help women help themselves. Her work has kept thousands of women out of the operating room in over sixty countries.

Course curriculum

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    The Blossom with Whole Woman Video Series

    • Fine Tune Your Whole Woman Posture

    • Pelvic Health Through Whole Woman Wisdom Breathing

    • Whole Woman Walking and Running